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Kumarasambhavam mahakavyam

A brief introduction to 3rd canto of Kumarasambhavam mahakavyam

kumārasambhava Mahakavyam

When the Sanskrit literature is compared with other linguistic literature, with several facts of its quality, and popularity, it is gained a higher place. It is not practical to think that literal works of each poet were based for this. The dedication of other poets who have produced the literary creations will necessarily affect the stability of the literary foundation. It is also necessary to recall the poets who attempted to belay the literary surface.

Thus, we know that nothing of doubts among the scholars of the Sanskrit literature, what about the Kalidasa can be described as a unique poet. It is necessary to recall the creations such as Raghuvansa, Kumarasambhava, Malavikagnimitra, Vikramorvashi, Abhijnashakuntala, Ritusanhara, and Meghaduta when discussing the literary sub-elements of Sanskrit literature, which are called as Mahakavyas, Dramas, and Khanda Kavyas. Among those creations that reflect the unique character of Kalidasa, the epic poetry Kumarambhava which should pay attention here.

The rationale of Kumarasambhava is that the Skandha Kumara was born to the Shiva and Parvati. The poem-based story is not related to ordinary people, but of divine origin. Otherwise, Kalidasa did not see it in a divine perspective. He attempts to look with the strange angle, normal human traits in Divine characters such as Shiva-Parvati. This can be understood by the poem which has been created. The general human thought attitudes, such as desire, have been revived through these roles of the tale.

  • madana dahana(=burning Ananga, 03rd canto)-76 poems.

Tired gods tell the Brahman about the activities of a powerful monstrous called Tharaka. Brahman argues that no one can suppress him in the divine except the prince who will be born from Siva and Parvati, after their marriage. But by this time, Shiva was protecting precepts in the Himalayas, and this work became more difficult. Later on, at the beginning of the third canto is appeared that Ananga is led by Brahman and all other gods.

Kalidasa commences this canto, with the fact which is important in social governance. This is like an exemplary lesson to the cruel rulers wich poet's proven experience in his own life. The head of the ruling should be important not only his senior authorities, but also the labor is equally important. In other words, "Boss wants somnons ever". The poet remembers that aspect in this manner.

tasmin maghōnastridaśān vihāya - sahasramakṣṇān yugapat papāta,
prayōjanāpēkṣitayā prabhūṇāṁ - prāyaścalaṁ gauravamāśritēṣu.
(03. 01- poem)

Then, Shiva and Parvathi are employed by Ananga under the direction of Brahman. For this purpose, his wife Rathi and his friend Madhava (Wasantha), were joined together. First of all, Ananga changes the environment around him as much as possible with the support of the Wasanta. He makes this as a great achievement for his purpose. From now on, the poet's presentation of the changes in natural environments, through his masterpiece skill is heartfelt(attractive).

asūta sadyaḥ kusumānyaśōkaḥ - skandhāt prabhṛtyeva saphallavāni,
pādēna nāpaikṣata sundarīnāṁ - samparkamāsiñchita nūpurēṇa.
(Asoka Tree instantly began to produce a flower bud at the trunk, it was not expected to be crushed by the feet of divine wives which have the well-jailed anklets.)(03. 26- poem)

In this way, the Kalidasa uses the strange phrases of the text to describe the manner in which the Ananga's arrow is decorated by Madhava.

sadyaḥ pravālōdgamacārupatrē - nītē samāptiṁ navacūtabāṇē,
nivēśayāmāsa madhurdvirēphān - nāmākṣarāṇīva manōbhavasya.
(When the arrow which is like a new bud of mango has arranged, Madhava who was like a carpenter established on it wasps who were as characters of Ananga's name.)
(03. 27-poem)

It is quite understood what the poetic mastery of the poetry that was used to structure this poem. The meaning of compound words, such as navacūtabāṇa, pravālōdgamacārupatra; are equally exalted the emotions of the poet. It allows you to touch the nature of emotions with approaching your own hearts.

Moreover, the special feature of this canto is the Kalidasa's skill of creating the personality of the characters and occasions. With the commencing of spring, the environmental changes around the world are being portrayed as opportunities, and the related characters are ideally changed with it. In this way, the verse has performed the Parvati who is going to help Shiva that is protecting precepts in the Himalayas.

āvarjitā kiñcidivastanābhyāṁ - vāsōvasānā taruṇārkarāgam,
paryāptapuṣpasthavakāvanamrā - saṁcāriṇī pallavinī latē'va.
"To a whom with a breast that has a little bump, a copper-colored lumpy cloth like a sunrise, moving creeper which has bowed down with the weight of a bundle of flowers ... '', The poet who compares Parvati as above, and gives the reader an idea of the relationship between her and spring.

This is how the poet who well performs the procedure gradually to flow close to your minds, as same as, how Parvati approached to Shiva.

vivṛṇvatī śailasutāpibhāvam - aṁgaiḥ sphuradbālakadambakalpaiḥ,
sācīkṛtā cārutarēṇa tasthau - mukhēna paryasta vilōcanēna.
(As the shining youthful Kolom tree, is expressing the nature of  desire with horripilate organs, and Parvati stayed with the lay downward face.)
(03. 68-poem)

Comparing the mode of Parvati with a lot of thoughts of a normal woman, Kalidasa has been able to empress it on the mind of the audience. A woman's efforts to maintain suppression of public feelings in her heart from time to time in the presence of her husband are well-known here. So, the poet who appears to have shown a difference in the appearance of the trembling romance caused her to appear in front of readers. Or, by the above poem, it is not needed to emerge such a mind. Indeed, the qualities of the poem have been conveyed to Kalidasa. 

The size of the 3rd canto is restricted by 76 poems, the poet has been finished with the story of burning Ananga by Shiva. Hence, it is said that the name of Kama is known as Ananga. At the same time, the poet tries to access the fourth canto. that is by beginning to describe the lament of Rati which was Ananga's departure.



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